Q: Dax seems to always shuffle. Can you put this in context with the “do not shuffle” teachings?
Question: This is not really a big question, but a lot of people noticed it and although I think...
Question: This is not really a big question, but a lot of people noticed it and although I think...
Question: I remember that Sarah said a lot of use your hips to create stretch, so what about our...
Question: I had a problem with the charleston circle on counts 4&5 and confusing it with a lindy circle....
Question: May I ask what songs you used in class? And also Sarah's favorite one! Ya!
Question: I 'd love some advice on practicing and getting better at lindy hop as a follower without a...
Question: Fascinated by the concept of the follow taking charge/initiating the lead (as opposed to 'back-leading'). One point that...