Think About Me RJ Community Montage Challenge / Earn a 1 Free Month of Rhythm Juice

Help us create a member montage video for our new Solo Charleston Routine, Think About Me!
The Final Goal
Create montage performance of the Think About Me routine to release by July 30th!
Your Deadline
Submit your video by July 15th to make it in time for the editing process.
There are about 19 parts to learn! It’s a decent workload but very doable. Especially since most of us are quarantined at home without a partner.
Attention Members
Let’s work towards this montage video! Get started on the course here. Also, if you have any friends that are not members, let them know about the Promo below so they can join the fun. And if you would like to also share your part 1-3 performance, email us a link of your video and we will send you a private video feedback (if you want it of course 😉
[mks_highlight color=”#dd3333″]Non Members Promo[/mks_highlight]
Get started for free below, and earn a free month of Rhythm Juice to join the project by doing the following:
- Learn Part 1, 2, and 3 of the Think About Me Routine below.
- Post a public video of you performing it to either Facebook, Youtube, or Instagram.
- Link this blog post, and Tag #rhythmjuice #TAMChallenge and tell people what you are working on.
- Email us at with a link to your video to let us know it’s done!
We will respond with your coupon code to grant you 1-month free access.
Note: If it takes you more than one month to learn the full routine, then you can either register as a premium member or earn one more free month by posting your progress on social media to help promote the project.
[mks_button size=”large” title=”Quick Jump Down to the Lesson Videos” style=”squared” url=”#learn” target=”_self” bg_color=”#dd3333″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”fa-fighter-jet” icon_type=”fa” nofollow=”0″]
Q: How long will I be in the montage for?
A: We hope to highlight all participants as much time as possible, but this will depend on how many submit videos and finish the whole routine. Our plan is to do 4 way, 3 way, 2 way screen splits, some spotlights for confident performers, and get everyone to show up multiple times with cuts. The more people that finish the more we can keep it consistent. If many don’t finish the routine, then those who do will occupy a lot more of the ending. Survivor-style!
Q: Do I have to submit a video and be in the montage?
A: No, you can just work with us all towards the deadline for fun.
Q: What if I can’t do the whole routine?
A: No worries, submit what you can do and will include a clip from that.
Q: Can I finish it as quickly as possible and submit a video?
A: Absolutely! We want you to learn at a pace that comfortable to you. However, using the remaining time to train and improve would make your final submission all the better.
Q: Where will the montage be posted?
A: We will post the final video to Youtube and share it on Facebook.
Q: Can I post a video of me dancing it on my own as well?
A: Absolutely! We will try to also repost and share these showcases on our Facebook page.
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Our goal is to give you a deadline and something to work towards. Think About Me was originally choreographed for our team in LA called the Down Town Drifters to perform and Camp Hollywood. Considering the current situation, we decided that it would be better converted to an RJ Community project.
Any other questions, post below in the comments.
Learn the First 3 Parts for Free Below
Preview Part 1-3 to Music
We threw in the whole routine performance to see how this all fits together. You are only required to learn the first three parts.
Learn Part 01 – Intro Poses
When working on this part, choose to work on either option 1 (Dax’s) or option 2 (Sarah’s) poses. You can use the AB feature on the player to loop any part of video you want to practice on repeat! Also, our video player provides speeding up or slowing down of the video to help you practice more efficiently.

Learn Part 02 – 20s Charleston Hip Whip

Part 03 – Push Kick Shoulder Bop

Drill Part 01 – 03
Set the video to repeat and drill! This mini routine ends after the spin. 🙂

Think About Me - Part 20 Full Routine - 04 Music Back
Learn the Full Routine & Join the Rhythm Juice Community!
If you learned part 1-3, congratulations! You can finish the full routine which is 19 parts long here. Membership is required. If you have opted into the promo challenge, please make sure to send us that email to get your free month membership, otherwise, you can sign up here.