Personal Coaching with Dax and Sarah
Super charge your rate of improvement with weekly accountability, feedback, and customized programming.
Flexible Options to Ensure Your Success
30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee
If you are not totally satisfied within the first 30 days, we will refund your payment no problem!
Include a Parter for Free
Bring the same partner or different partners into your coaching sessions without the needing to have their own Rhythm Juice account.
Choose Between Virtual Privates or Video Feedback
Depending on your schedule and language barrier, we offer the ability to meet weekly via a live zoom session, or via pre-recorded videos.
Personal Coaching Plans & Pricing
Video Feedback Plan
Coaching sessions are based on weekly video exchange every Monday.
- Everything from Premium
- Weekly Video Feedback
Weekly Virtual Privates
Virtual Private Plan (30)
Coaching sessions are 30 minute live zoom sessions on a set weekly schedule.
- Everything from Premium
Weekly Video Feedback- Weekly 30 Min Virtual Privates
Virtual Private Plan (60)
Coaching sessions are 60 minute live zoom sessions on a set weekly schedule.
- Everything from Premium
Weekly Video Feedback- Weekly 60 Min Virtual Privates

Have Any Questions?
If you’re question isn’t answered here, please email us directly.
What is the difference between video feedback and virtual privates?
The primary difference is the way we interact for our coaching. Virtual pirates are done live, over zoom, and video feedback is done via prerecorded videos we send to each other.
With the Video Feedback Plan, you will submit a weekly video of your dancing and any questions you might have for us. We will review these videos and do an interactive screen share video to send back to you.
The video we send you will include feedback on the video you send in, any necessary demonstrations, exercises, and instructions, as well as answers to any questions you have.
With the Virtual Privates, we set a weekly time to meet, and connect via zoom. During this live session, we can give feedback live, watch videos and give feedback, or work on new things in a live lesson format. It’s very flexible, but the time will be limited to your plan.
When are my weekly videos due?
If you are on the video feedback plan, your videos are due by Monday 6am MST.
We do all our video feedback on Monday, so if you miss this deadline, we can’t guarantee that we can get to it later during the week, though we do our best to be flexible with this, especially if you let us know in advance.
Otherwise, we catch up on the next Monday.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes, you can cancel anytime. This is a month to month arrangement.
Do virtual privates roll over if I miss one?
No, the sessions don’t rollover. They can be rescheduled during the week, but they don’t add up if you don’t schedule them.
If you would prefer to just take virtual privates when you feel like it, we recommend just buying them from the store when you